Monday 24 March 2014

The Confessions of a Beauty Blogger Tag

Hello and welcome back to the Student Beauty Bag, i am aware for the past week i haven't posted anything, and i am really sorry about that i had all my blogs planned and i had taken all my photos, but then on sunday i came down with a horrible kind of stomach ache illness, that to be honest just wanted me to sleep all day, to the matter of fact that i literally did sleep for 4 days in a row and didn't get out of bed at all. It was horrible, and to make up for it, instead of giving you one of my average beauty posts, i decided to do a tag post. I realised you didn't really know much about me and this blog, so i picked the confessions of a beauty blogger tag, lets get started!

1, How many hours a week do you spend planning/ writing/ uploading posts?

Well i had to think about this question quite a lot because i post three times a week, with each post roughly taking me an hour to plan and write. But then i also take pictures, and at the moment to reduce the amount of time i spend taking photos, i am trying to get into the groove of taking all my photos in one sitting, that roughly takes me 30 minutes but then i have to sort out which photos to choose, then i edit the best ones, so all in all i think it takes me about an hour to complete everything photo wise for all three posts. I then also finally research, advertise, comment and generally talk to you guys on social media sites, so i guess if you add that, i most spend at least 6-7 hours a week doing blog related things!

2, Are you a spender or a saver?

I am definitely a spender, what beauty blogger isn't! I am really addicted to beauty products and fashion and shoes, basically everything, so i rarely ever save, apart from if i know there is something i want, and i have to save up for it!

3, When is it easiest for you to write your posts?

I think it is easiest for me to write my posts in the evenings in between doing college and my free time i manage to conduct 3 posts a week, which i think is quite an achievement. Obviously i don't take the photos for the blog in the night, i normally do that on a weekend morning when i have plenty of time to slowly take the pictures. I also do if i have time on the weekends basically plan and sometimes i get round to writing the posts, but i have to admit that is pretty rare!

4, What makes writing posts comfortable for you?

I think getting feedback and knowing that you have helped someone is the best, and most comfortable thing for me, it really encourages me when some of you contact me and i love making new friends through it too, so don't be shy and come on in!

5, Whats your worst makeup/ hair habit?

I think my worst makeup habit is chapped lips, or dry skin, this is a real problem for me, and i find it very hard to treat it, and whenever i look in the mirror i am always like why do i allow my skin to get so bad. I suppose i do have some really bad hair habits, i also have very dry hair, which means i have never had the need to really wash my hair lets say more than 3 times a week because it doesn't get greasy, but i need to starts washing it more often and keep my hair down, not scrunched up in a top knot!

6, Whats one quote you wish the world would live by?

I am not a massive fan of quotes, and i don't really know that many, but i think i prefer the more heart wrenching/ sad kind of quotes that make your realise what other people feel like. There was once this quote about bullying and it was talking about would you ever want to go through what you are doing to someone else and it was really sad but i cant remember it now, it was really beautiful and sad.

7, How long do you spend getting ready everyday?

Oh no the question i dread is coming! I think because i have to leave really early in the morning on a weekday for school, i tend to not spend as much time as i would on a weekend, but saying that i take at least 30 minutes to do my makeup in the morning, so to get dressed and sort out my hair if i am not straightening it, it will take me probably an hour! On the weekends though because i have time i often spend nearly an hour doing my makeup because i get very easily distracted, and have no attention span!

8, What your favourite post on your blog?

I think my favourite post on my blog is my blog is my review of the Bobbi Brown Lipstick in Carnation because it was one of my first blog posts and i took so much time writing it and the finished post really made me fall in love with blogging. 

9, Who is a beauty blogger that you think deserve more subscribers that they have?

I think there are many beauty bloggers on twitter and Instagram and other social media platforms that don't have as many subscribers as they deserve, i have started to interact with lots, and many of the new generation of beauty bloggers like me deserve more followers because some of them are truly inspirational and well written!

10, Whats one thing you're excited about in the coming year?

There are many things i am really excited about in the next year, and one of them is definitely building up this blog, getting more subscribers and teaching more people about student friendly beauty items and products that are safe for your skin, there are many things!

11, What has been your favourite blogging moment?

As you know, i am fairly new to the world of beauty blogging, so i haven't experienced that many things beauty blogging related, but one of the best things about blogging, and my best moment was when i finally realised that people were actually reading my blog, even though it wasn't  very many people, its still someone who can learn from me!

12, How long does it take to prep for a post?

As i said in question number one of this tag, writing and planing a post can take around 1 hour, but it really depends on the post, this post didn't take very much preparing because its just me answering questions, but another post with photos that i need to edit and crop may take much longer.

13, Are you wearing jeans/ skirt right now or are you wearing pyjama bottoms?

At the moment i am wearing an old t shirt and some running leggings because i have just come back from the gym, but normally i would just be wearing pyjamas or even a onesie, the benefit of blogging instead of being on Youtube!

So that was the last question for the confessions of a beauty blogger tag, i hope you enjoyed and learnt more about me and beauty blogging for me!!


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